작성일 : 13-08-21 21:14
조회 : 2,744
http://apjcn.nhri.org.tw/server/APJCN/20/1/42.pdf [4456] |
비구니 스님은 우유를 먹었다고 적혀 있습니다.
Nutritional status of iron, folate, and vitamin B-12 in vegetarians were assessed and compared with those of non-
vegetarians in Korea. The vegetarian subjects were 54 Buddhist nuns who ate no animal source food except for
dairy products. The non-vegetarians were divided into two groups: 31 Catholic nuns and 31 female college stu-
dents. Three-day dietary records were completed, and the blood samples were collected for analyzing a complete
blood count, and serum levels of ferritin, folate, and vitamin B-12. There was no difference in hemoglobin
among the diet groups. The serum ferritin and hematocrit levels of vegetarians did not differ from that of non-
vegetarian students with a high intake of animal source food but low intake of vitamin C, and the levels were
lower than that of non-vegetarian Catholic nuns with a modest consumption of animal source food and a high in-
take of vitamin C. The serum vitamin B-12 levels of all subjects except one vegetarian and the serum folate lev-
els of all subjects except one non-vegetarian student fell within a normal range. In vegetarians, there was a posi-
tive correlation between the vitamin C intake and serum ferritin levels as well as between the laver intake and se-
rum vitamin B-12 levels. In order to achieve an optimal iron status, both an adequate amount of iron intake and
its bioavailability should be considered. Sufficient intake of vegetables and fruits was reflected in adequate se-
rum folate status. Korean laver can be a good source of vitamin B-12 for vegetarians.
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