작성일 : 13-09-07 11:20
오메가 3과 오메가 6을 몇 대 몇 비율로 섭취해야 가장 좋을까
조회 : 2,592
http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/78/3/640S.long#ref-21 [4703] |
ALA에서 DHA 변환율은 떨어지는데 그럼 오메가 3과 오메가 6을 몇 대 몇의 비율로 섭취해야 가장 좋을까란 의문이 들어 검색해보니까 이런 문헌이 있더군요.
짧게 한문장 표시되어 있네요.
그리고 인용문헌들은 전부 유료라 볼 수 없더군요.
좀 오래된 문헌이라...신뢰성이 어떤지는 모릅니다.
다른 연구 문헌이 많고, 현재도 계속 연구중이겠죠.
The ratio of n−6 to n−3 fatty acids
Another research group suggested that the optimal ratio to maximize the conversion of ALA to DHA is 2.3:1 (21). Given the rate of conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA, it has been suggested that a safe and adequate ratio for the vegetarian and vegan populations would be in the range of 2:1–4:1 (22).
또 다른 연구 그룹은 ALA에서 DHA의 변환을 극대화하기 위해 최적의 비율이 2.3:1 인 것으로 제안했다. ALA에서 EPA와 DHA으로 전환율을 감안할 때, 채식인과 엄격한 완전채식인(비건)을 위한 안전하고 적절한 비율은 2:1 – 4:1 의 범위일 것으로 제안하고 있다.
오메가 6: 오메가 3
The ratio of n−6 to n−3 fatty acids is often used to assess the balance between EFA in the diet, although there is some controversy as to its practical significance. For vegetarians and others who consume little, if any, EPA and DHA, the n−6-to-n−3 ratio is of greater relevance than for individuals who consume significant daily sources of EPA and DHA. A number of recommendations have been made on the basis of the ratio of n−6 to n−3 fatty acids. The World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization suggests a ratio of 5:1–10:1 (17), Sweden recommends a ratio of 5:1 (18), Canada recommends 4:1–10:1 (15), and Japan recently changed its recommendation from 4:1 to 2:1 (19). On the basis of the proposed AIs, the NIH suggests a ratio of 2:1–3:1 (14). One study found that a ratio of 4:1 allows for adequate conversion to DHA in healthy vegetarians (20). Another research group suggested that the optimal ratio to maximize the conversion of ALA to DHA is 2.3:1 (21). Given the rate of conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA, it has been suggested that a safe and adequate ratio for the vegetarian and vegan populations would be in the range of 2:1–4:1 (22). This can best be achieved by increasing ALA in the diet and decreasing LA, if indicated (see below).
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