작성일 : 13-08-23 23:06
동물성 음식에서도 비타민 B12가 결핍되거나 적게 있을 수 있습니다.
 글쓴이 : 이유리
조회 : 2,219… [1595]

no identifiable B-12 was found in beef liver, Swiss cheese, and chicken breast  and only 2.19 mcg in beef heart.

쇠고기 간과 스위스 치즈, 닭 가슴살에서 발견되지 않았고, 쇠고기 심장에서만 단지 2.19 mcg 이 있었다.

macrobiotic/vegetarian foods measured higher than the animal foods. Sea vegetables measured up to 9 mcg, tempeh to 4 mcg, and miso to .7.

반면 장기보존의/채식의 음식에서 동물성 음식보다 더 높았다. 해초는 9 mcg 템페(인도네시아 발효음식) 4 mcg, 그리고 일본된장은 7mcg

• Animal Foods Low in Vitamin B-12 - Animal foods commonly believed to be high in B-12 may actually be low or deficient. In lab tests commissioned by nutrition researcher Sylvia Ruth Gray in 1989 and 1990, no identifiable B-12 was found in beef liver, Swiss cheese, and chicken breast  and only 2.19 mcg in beef heart. In the 1960s, similar tests showed these foods contained 122, 1.71, .5, and 14.2 mcg respectively. In contrast, macrobiotic/vegetarian foods measured higher than the animal foods. Sea vegetables measured up to 9 mcg, tempeh to 4 mcg, and miso to .7.  Gray attributed the sharp decline in B-12 levels to environmental pollution and modern chemical agriculture, especially the depletion of cobalt in soils which promotes B-12 synthesis.
Source: Nathaniel Mead, “Where’s the B-12?”, Solstice 39:10-15, 1990; “Here’s the B-12,” Solstice 40:10-13, 1990;  “Corrections on Vitamin B-12,” Solstice 42:5-7, 1990; Sylvia Ruth Gray, “B-12 Update,” Solstice 43:5-7, 1990; Sylvia Ruth Gray, “B-12 Update,” Solstice 44:6-8, 1990. For further information and to support further research, contact Sylvia Ruth Gray, 315 First Ave., Salt Lake City, UT 84103.

설경도 13-08-24 09:51

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